Well...here we are at the end of four weeks of homeschooling. Four weeks! Time is not going any slower with Sandra at home, I'll tell you that much. I can't believe it's been four weeks! One thing I have noticed, though, is that I feel like I'm in some sort of time continuum. I never quite realized how much Sandra's school schedule defined my sense of time. I think the remedy to this, though, will be our fall schedule...which more or less started this week. Reuben is in preschool Tuesday and Thursday mornings and my Women's Bible Study meets Wed. mornings...so that should give us some week-day orientation. Sandra's art class starts in a couple weeks.
School continues to go well. I'm beginning to feel more at ease with our system. My mom asked me if I had the "perfect public school option" available right now, would I send Sandra there. I had to tell her no. It wouldn't solve the driving force of why we decided to embark on this adventure in the first place - which is the school schedule. This has been a much better fit for our pace of life right now - and for that, I'm thankful.
Where is she taking the art class?